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How would YOU pay the mortgage if you were badly injured or too ill to work? 
Income Protection Insurance is n't real magic, but it does pay out a monthly amount for agreed time (or until you return to work) 
If you’re short on savings income protection could be right for you 
1 in 4 of us would struggle financially if we were out of work for just 4 weeks. There's no better way of protecting yourself from the financial impact of illness than income protection. 
Income protection covers all illnesses 
Income protection pays out on any physical and mental illness and injury that prevents you from doing your job - or any job! So, unlike a critical illness policy, the cover is not restricted to a defined list of illnesses. 
Income protection can pay out for as long as you’re ill 
You can opt for your policy to pay out for a set number of years or for as long as you are ill until you reach your chosen retirement age. The latter option costs more but you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing you’ll receive an income all the time you can’t work. 
With income protection you can claim again and again 
Critical illness and life cover policies only pay the full benefit once. But with an income protection policy, you can claim as many times as you need within the agreed term. 
We can advise you and shape the policy to your exact requirements 
Income protection comes with lots of options, so it’s best to talk to us so we can build you a plan that’s right for your life and right on the money 
Note from Martin Tapper. 
The power of income protection is special. I have obtained a mortgage for a client who was not working and claiming income protection. So I know it works if you can't. 
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